Monday, December 14, 2009

Funhouse Webquest Pictures & Survey

A Finished Fun House Project

Young Architects at work

Check out the color and detail in this work

Look at the concentration on these faces

I designed a survey for my students to take after finishing the Fun House WebQuest Project. Below you will find the survey and their responses.

Response Summary
Total Started Survey: 14
Total Completed Survey: 14 (100%)

1. The Fun House activity allowed me time to practice determining perimeter and area using laptops and WebQuest.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

Strongly agree 21.4%
Agree 71.4%
Disagree 7.1%
Strongly disagree 0.0%

2. The Fun House activity directions were clear and easy to understand.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

Strongly agree 28.6%
Agree 64.3%
Disagree 7.1%
Strongly disagree 0.0%

3. I learned something doing the Fun House Web Quest that I can use in everyday life.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

Agree 85.7%
Disagree 14.3%

4. This activity allowed me to be creative.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

Strongly agree 78.6%
Agree 21.4%
Disagree 0.0%
Strongly disagree 0.0%

5. I would like to use more WebQuests to support our curriculum, what we learn in our core classes.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

Strongly agree 35.7%
Agree 57.1%
Disagree 0.0%
Strongly disagree 7.1%

6. Explain how you find perimeter.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

1. count
2. I counted the squares by tens.
3. We found perimeter by adding length and width and multiplied by two
4. I use 2(L+W) to find the perimeter
5. you count the squares around your house and multiply it by ten.
6. to find the perimeter you need to add all the way around
7. you find the perimeter by adding
8. you find the perimeter by adding.
9. you do length plus the width plus the length plus the width
10. Counted the outside squares then added them all up.
11. regular-l*w; irregular-count all outside edges of each small sq.
12. I found the perimeter by adding all of the sides of the shape
13. You add up the length of each side, then add on your labels.
14. we found the perimeter of each side. we counted each side then added it all up.

7. How did you feel about using technology (laptops and websites)to practice determining area and perimeter?

answered question 14
skipped question 0

1. awesome
2. It's pretty fun.
3. I liked using laptops to do our project it was easy
4. I liked using technology to practice area and perimeter
5. It feels alright but it is confusing.
6. I think it is really great to use the laptops
7. I felt great
8. I felt good because you do not have to write them down.
9. It's fun. I'd rather type than write.
10.I thought it was fun but i think it could of been better.
11. I like using technology.
12. I felt good by using technology to practice perimeter
13. I think that it is fun to use laptops and websites to practice determining area and perimeter.
14. It is a little easy

8. How much active working time did you put into the Fun House WebQuest and activity?

answered question 14
skipped question 0

1 to 2 hours 21.4%
2 to 4 hours 35.7%
more than 4 hours 42.9%

9. A parallelogram has a base of 8 units and a height of 7 units. Find the area.

answered question 14
skipped question 0

1. 56 units
2. 56 units.
3. the answer is 56 units
4. The area of the parallelogram is 56 units
5. 7*8 =56 units
6. the area of this shape is 56
7. the area is 56 square units
8. the area is fifty six square feet.
9. 8x7=56
10. 8x7=56
11. b*h
12. the answer is 56 units.
13. The area is 56 square units, because you would do 8 x 7.
14. its 8x7 =56 sq units

10. I would like to use technology (laptops, websites, blogs, or wikis)more often in our classroom.

answered question 14

No 7.1%
Yes 92.9%
1. yes very much
2. yes because it would be fun.
3. yes, to do home work, practice our facts
4. i would love to
5. I would like to use more laptops, and websites.